Active Agers is the new term used for people who are still participating in a workout routine over the age of 50. The benefits are unlimited for people that continue exercising throughout their life. Have you ever heard someone say, “I’ll start on Monday”? That phrase is used far too often. Unfortunately, the Monday start day never happens. The misconception about joining a gym is that the gym consists of muscle-bound men and women walking around. This is actually one of the biggest reasons that people don’t join programs. But at Courts Plus, we have all ages, shapes, sizes, and fitness levels participating in classes, tennis, pickleball, track walking, and personal training.
Exercise improves balance, and coordination strengthens the heart, improves bone health, improves cognitive function, prevents injuries and falls, and most importantly, it provides unlimited positive effects on mental health. At Courts Plus we have a huge group of people that get together in the morning for our dance classes, senior circuit, and our new class “Groove And Flex”! It is amazing to watch these ladies laugh, dance, visit, and motivate each other to be at the gym! This group knows when someone is gone from class! :) These active agers range in age between 50 and 95 years old! How fun is that?
We offer a variety of classes aimed at all age groups. Instructors will provide modifications, tell you all you will need to know about the class, what you will need, and most importantly, they will show you how to have so much fun exercising! If you don’t want to start with a class, come and try to walk the track for a few laps or make an appointment with a trainer to learn a routine that is set to your pace.
This fall we will be offering more classes for the active agers! Check out our complete schedule at courtsplus.org! Contact Jamie at jsmith@courtsplus.org with any questions,