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Fall Fitness Myths & Fads Review

By: Rhys Geske, NSCA Certified Personal Trainer

It has come to my attention lately that I’ve been hearing some common misconceptions about nutrition and training.  In this blog I want to touch on and revisit some of the popular fitness “crazes” and try to clear the air on some things.  (Warning – this blog may contain highly sarcastic material… reader discretion is advised)

1).  Carbohydrates will make you fat and gain weight!  Huh, really?  I thought carbohydrates main purpose in the human body is to provide it with the initial energy source and great for red blood cell formation.  If you don’t have adequate energy, then how to do you propose you train with a high intensity when you’re tired?

2).  Fruit will make fat because of the sugar in it.   The sugar found in fruit is fructose.  Some fruits are a great source of dietary fiber and can contain antioxidants, i.e., blueberry’s, strawberries, goji berries and raspberries just to name a few.  I think you might be confusing those delicious little Teddy Grahams or Oreo’s for the sugar that may hinder your weight loss or body composition goals.  Whole foods from nature will probably remain supreme in comparison to highly processed foods.

3).  Be careful eating anything past 7pm because the food will get stored as fat.  Ahh, one of my favorite food “Cinderella” fitness myths.  Let me make one thing clear.  You’re not going to change into a pumpkin or magically gain 17.89lbs if you eat something past a certain time.  Think of your body like a day as far as time is concerned.  You have 24 hours to get in the proper nutrients and calories for your goal(s).  That’s why some people prefer intermittent fasting, small spaced out meals, or the main three meals a day for eating.  At the end of the day, if you’re in a caloric deficit you will likely lose weight.  If you’re in a calorie surplus you will most likely gain some weight.  It’s that simple.  (not taking into consideration of metabolic diseases, thyroid issues, etc…  I understand there will always be exceptions).

4).  I’m lifting lighter weight for higher reps to get that “toned” effect.  While lifting lighter weights does have its certain benefits and for certain training modules.  There really isn’t a “toning” rep range your body can recognize and adapt to.

5).  I can’t lift heavy weights because I don’t want to get “big and bulky”.  Yes, the reverse holds true just like the lighter weights training fallacy.  I typically hear this a lot from my female clients.  Females generally don’t have the amount of testosterone like their male counterparts do.  Lifting heavier weights will get you stronger, perhaps a little leaner, but highly unlikely it will make you “bulky”.  Unless you’re on some sort of human growth hormone, testosterone replacement therapy or performance enhancing drugs, etc.

6).  Please help me change my fat into muscle.  I wish I could, honestly, I really do.  However, we can set you up on a training regimen that can get you leaner and stronger.  When you lose weight the fat cells in your body shrink, but unfortunately, don’t go away or turn directly into muscle.  Fat cells do have the capability of doing what’s called, hyperplasia.  Meaning once a cell becomes big enough it can split into two.  Now you have two fat cells instead of one.  Sort of scary right?!

At the end of the day my best advice is this:  train with consistency, set-up realistic goals, track your progress, track your daily calories, make fitness a part of your daily routine.  There are a lot of other diet fads and magic potions out there.  Be careful where you invest your time and money on your health.  If it sounds too good to be true, generally, it is.  On the flip side of the coin, there are many great resources for information you can find.  Such as maybe hiring a personal trainer from Courts Plus! (End of sarcastic rant and wishing everyone a healthy fall season)!

Rhys | Courts Plus

Education: National Personal Training Institute, North Dakota State University with a B.S. in Speech Communication and Minor in Mass Communication
Certifications/Memberships: NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, IKFF Kettlebell Instructor