As most of you have probably noticed by now, we started selling supplements at the facility! This not only has been very covenant for members and non-members who are familiar…
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When playing sport, there's always a risk of injury. In fact, America experiences approximately 8.6 million sports-related injuries each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The most…
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FARGO, ND - (August 23, 2021) - Lend a hand and help serve your community! Broadway Square is hosting a personal care product drive leading up to its Day of…
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During the month of August, members and nonmembers have a chance to win one free personal training session with a trainer of their choice. Schedule a fitness orientation and be…
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Athletes from North Dakota and the surrounding states will meet in Fargo to compete in over 20 events during the three-day North Dakota Senior Games, August 19-22, 2021. Open to athletes age…
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Dear Courts Plus Member, Courts Plus Community Fitness transitioned to a new software program called Club Automation on 03/30. Beginning 03/30, you may log-in to the Online Portal to set up your account. This online portal will allow you to: View & edit your profile & billing informationView your current activities that you or family members are registered forReserve a courtReserve a spot in childcareBrowse and register for programs and drop-in classesView your statementPay your billUpdate your notification preferences To access your profile, navigate to Upon logging in, you will be prompted to enter/verify basic information about yourself (fields with an asterisk are required). On that initial page, the e-mail address you enter and the password you choose will be your log-in information going forward. Please save that information to log-in to the website in the future. Also, we do require on that initial page that as a member you put a credit/debit card on file. The credit card that you enter will become your “house charge” at the club. We want to assure you that your credit/debit card number is completely safe. ClubAutomation is 100% PCI DSS compliant and after entering your card for the first time, only the last four digits of your card are ever visible. The online transactions use a 256 bit encryption which is the same encryption that banks and credit card companies use. With a credit/debit card on file, you never have to worry about paying in person for any activity at the club. All lessons, programs, food, or pro shop purchases are all able to be charged straight to your house account (you are still able to pay in realtime if desired). All charges for the current month will be run on the 5th day of the following month. With an e-mail…
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Dear Courts Plus Member, We are excited to announce that Courts Plus Community Fitness is transitioning to a new software program called Club Automation as of 3/30! We are confident that this club management software transition will be seamless, easy to use and will keep your information safe and secure. We want to provide you with the best possible services and are confident this change will greatly improve our processes as a club as well as your experience at Courts Plus Community Fitness! This software will provide you with an online portal, mobile app, SMS messaging and push notifications. More information regarding these features will be sent as we get closer to launching them. Through the online portal and mobile app, you can reserve courts, update your information, register for classes, pay your bill and much more! Please let us know if you have any questions about the transition. You can e-mail us at or call us at (701)-237-4805. We look forward to continuing to serve you in the future and are convinced this transition will make your experience at Courts Plus much more convenient and efficient.…
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With the City of Fargo letting the mask mandate expire, Courts Plus will no longer mandate masks within the facility. With that being said, we still encourage them for people…
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At what age should kids start lifting weights? There are a couple of factors to consider before enrolling your son or daughter into a strength training program. First off, there’s…
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The New Year has finally arrived and with that comes new goals and accomplishments to conquer. Many individuals set their sights on fitness goals such as losing weight, gaining muscle…
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